One Bold Action Per Day

What could you accomplish if you took one bold action per day?

I’m starting a new business and the process is an emotional roller coaster. With the highs of reaching certain milestones, come the lows of uncertainty and fear of failing. Like so many other people, I tend to overthink things that are really important to me. I even self-sabotage, at times, by convincing myself that I need something—that’s usually just beyond my reach—in order to be successful.

But what if, every day for the next 66 days (I think I read somewhere that that’s how long it takes for something to become habit) I take one bold action per day that moves me toward my goal of growing a wildly successful business that provides the lifestyle I want for myself? To qualify as bold, it must be something that moves me out of my comfort zone and defies an irrational fear that I’ve allowed to hold me back. Could taking one bold action per day change my life and my business?

I think it...

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